COSHH: Control of Substances that are Hazardous to Health

How to recognise hazardous substances, the hazards they can create, the legislation and how they can enter the body.
Hazardous substances can take the form of solids, liquids, gases and fumes within the workplace. Under COSHH, substances are classified according to their risk as toxic, very toxic, corrosive, harmful, or irritant. Learners will enjoy a grounding in where to find the relevant information on each hazardous substance, the meaning of hazardous substance symbols and what to do if a spillage occurs. This course looks at how to recognise hazardous substances, the hazards they can create, the legislation and how they can enter the body. It also looks at risk assessments, some control measures and how to deal with spillages.
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This is a trial version of the course Hazardous Substances: A Global Outlook. Please note, we do not offer certificates for trial course completions.
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