The Posted Workers Directive, an EU Directive introduced on 30 July 2020, aims to ensure fair wages and a level playing field between posting and local companies in the host country whilst maintaining the principle of free movement of services.
The Directive defines a set of mandatory rules regarding the terms and conditions of employment to be applied to posted workers in order to guarantee that these rights and working conditions are protected throughout the EU and to ensure a level playing field and avoid “social dumping” where foreign service providers can undercut local service providers because their labour standards are lower.
These rules establish that, even though workers posted to another Member State are still employed by the sending company and subject to the law of the sending Member State, they are entitled to a set of core rights in force in the host Member State.
Download our guide to the Posted Workers Directive

VinciWorks has created a free guide to PWD. The guide covers:
- Introduction to what a posted worker is with examples
- When an organisation can post an employee in a different member state
- Requirements ahead of, during and after each posting
- Who is required to report under PWD
- What information should be included in each report