Webinar description

While there has been a significant decline in overt racist behaviours over the past 40 or 50 years, subtle manifestations of racial bias continue to have a negative impact on people from an ethnic minority background. With studies showing that racial bias, prejudice and discrimination are still a problem in many organisations, inclusive employers are recognising the need to engage with the issue at a grass-roots level to ensure that policies and procedures are fair and transparent and that everyone is able to discuss race in an open and constructive way.

This webinar covered:

  • how we define ‘racism’ and ‘racial bias’ and the changing nature of racism
  • the impact of racial and cultural stereotypes
  • how racial bias can impact workplace processes, such as recruitment and selection, onboarding and promotion
  • ways in which racial bias can be displayed in workplace behaviours
  • how to find out whether racial bias is a problem in your organisation
  • tips for leaders and all staff for tackling racial bias at work.

Modern racism is far more subtle, it's indirect, it's oblique - and it's far more difficult for others who are not on the receiving end of it to detect.

Professor Binna Kandola OBESenior Partner, Pearn Kandola LLP

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