Free download on new pay gap reporting requirements set to be introduced by the Labour government

The Labour government have pledged to close not just the gender pay gap, but the disability and ethnicity pay gap too. Legislation to require organisations to report on their ethnicity and disability pay gap is set to be announced in the King’s Speech. 

Under the party’s plans a new Race Equality Act and amendments to the Equality Act would enshrine in law the full right to equal pay for black, Asian and ethnic minority people, as well as disabled people.

The party has already said a Labour government would require large employers to publish ethnicity and disability pay gap reports to reveal any disparities in wages between different groups.

Companies with more than 250 employees in England, Wales and Scotland have been required to publish their gender pay gap statistics since 2017. Labour will announce plans to make this mandatory for ethnicity or disability.

Prepare your organisation for the coming requirements to measure and report on your ethnicity and disability pay gap with our free, comprehensive guide to reporting.