2022 was an exciting year of growth for VinciWorks, as we continue our mission to reinvent the impact that e-learning can make. Over this past year, we have combined with Skill Boosters, DeltaNet, Compliance Office and EssentialSkillz to build the most comprehensive library of compliance, diversity and inclusion, and health and safety training in the industry.
Over the next few months, we will be offering a significantly expanded offering of training with different styles, tailored to each industry and each individual learner. In the meantime, here are some of the highlights from 2022.
1.7m diversity and inclusion videos streamed
Our partner Skill Boosters is the UK’s leading provider of video-based training on equality, diversity and inclusion, leadership, communication, personal effectiveness and workplace well-being. Skill Boosters Members’ Resource Centre (MRC) provides clients with instant access to preview and download all of Skill Boosters’ online courses, films, trainer packs, learner notes and other useful items. Our most streamed topics in 2022 covered allyship, neurodiversity, race bias, transgender awareness and unconscious bias. We have big plans for 2023, with upcoming courses covering intersectionality, inclusion and sexual orientation on the agenda.
1.2m compliance courses delivered

2022 had a returned focus for our clients to core regulatory topics. Anti-money laundering, anti-bribery and tax evasion have supplanted cyber security and data protection as the key topics for the year. Alongside those regulatory topics, we continue to see growth in D&I, ethics and mental health.
15,000 downloads of free guides, templates and on-demand webinars
We have continued our commitment to providing compliance guides, policy templates and webinars free of charge to our community. This work has expanded into new areas including important diversity and inclusion resources in collaboration with Skill Boosters, and AML compliance resources with Compliance Office.
Top resources
Policy templates
- ESG policy template
- Anti-money laundering policy template
- Sanctions policy template
- Tax evasion code of conduct template
Guides and on-demand webinars
- Guide to implementing an ESG programme
- Your guide to ESG frameworks
- Neurodiversity at work
- Money laundering in the UK in 2022
Over 6000 webinar registrations
Our webinars continue to help hundreds of organisations increase their understanding and raise awareness on a number of compliance topics and government regulations. This includes ESG, data protection, anti-money laundering, diversity and inclusion, whistleblowing and more.
Watch all of our webinars on-demand
Over 4,300 hours of legal consultancy and support delivered
Compliance Office is a leading SRA consultancy firm composed of true SRA compliance specialists. They utilise years of experience and carefully crafted tools to get law firms compliant and keep them compliant. In 2022, Compliance Office has helped firms stay on top of the SRA’s guidance, helped set up new law firms, carried out anti-money laundering audits and more.
Over 250 new courses
In 2022 we partnered with leading eLearning companies Skill Boosters, DeltaNet and EssentialSkillz to deliver a range of learning styles, ranging from gamified learning and interactive quizzes to film-based courses. Skill Boosters offers a Members’ Resource Centre packed with videos and resources while DeltaNet’s learning experience platform, Astute, uses advanced techniques such as interactive video and gamification, setting the benchmark in the industry.
Top 2022 courses
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Domestic Abuse: Supporting Employees in the Workplace
- ESG: The Basics
- ESG: Fundamentals
- Manual Handling
- Modern Slavery: A Practical Overview
- Neurodiversity: An Introduction
- Risk Assessments
- Sanctions: Latest Developments
184 published blogs and articles
Our content team has worked tirelessly to publish regular blogs offering guidance on the most relevant compliance topics. GDPR is still by far our most-read topic, with anti-harassment, anti-money laundering capping off the top 3 topics of 2022. With ESG becoming a key focus for businesses over the past year, our ESG blogs are the fourth most-read topic of 2022.
10 new major Omnitrack features
Omnitrack, our reporting and tracking solution, has helped our clients with client onboarding, tracking gifts and hospitality, and staying on top of data breaches. We have listened to our clients’ needs and built the features that help make their lives easier.
Top five features:
- Webhooks to allow integration with third parties
- Adding External users
- Scoring and field calculations
- Thirdfort integration
- Dynamic look-up fields
Get in touch
Want to book a call with us in the new year to see how we can help your organisation? Complete the short form below and we’ll be in touch.