With a typically slower pace and fewer urgent deadlines, August is the perfect time to think about and refresh your workplace’s neurodiversity policies and set the stage for a more inclusive year ahead. As the hustle slows down, it’s an ideal moment to reassess and enhance your accommodations, ensuring your organisation is ready to support every employee’s unique strengths when business ramps up again.

Our comprehensive and in-depth “Neurodiversity at work: a straightforward guide” provides an introduction to the topic and examines relevant issues such as the question of whether neurodiversity is a disability, the connection between mental health and neurodiversity, and more. The guide then offers practical guidance for organisations on how to manage neurodivergences in the workplace and tips for how to create a neuro-inclusive workplace. By taking the time now to refine your neurodiversity practices, you’re not just preparing for the year ahead—you’re committing to a workplace where every individual can thrive and your organisation will only serve to benefit. 

In addition to the guide, we also have a free, customisable workplace neurodiversity policy available for download. A workplace neurodiversity policy is essential because it ensures that all employees have the support and accommodations they need to contribute fully, creating a more equitable and dynamic work environment that benefits both individuals and the organisation as a whole. The guide is available in a few versions: for workplaces, for staff in schools and universities, and for students in schools and universities