Assignee Feature
- We have added the ability to assign an admin to a specific submission!
- This feature should improve the post submission workflow, as it allows multiple admins to collaborate on the review of a submission. Users will receive an email notification when a submission is assigned to them.

Changes to the ‘Assign Admins’ page
- This is the page in form builder where you decide which admins can access the form. We have changed the name of the page to ‘Add admins’.
- Updated the interface to look a lot better and removed unnecessary text explanation.
- Changed the notification functionality
- The notifications for new submissions are no longer global for all admins; you can now set notification preferences for each individual.
- Added a notification option called ‘assigned to me’ for admins who only want to receive email notifications when they’re assigned a form.
- Added the option to define a default assignee on the form
- All new submissions will get assigned to the default assignee when it’s set.
New form setting
- Admins can now choose where submissions that do not get flagged should be sent by default
- Inbox
- Register
- Archived
Data Integration
- We’ve introduced an API that will support data integration with HR systems
- Data integration is included with your Omnitrack purchase (but requires some IT setup.
Grid design enhancements
- New! Click a grid row to view the full submission. You no longer need to click ‘View Submission’ on the Inbox. You can open a form by clicking a row on the grid.
- We tightened up the design so more data appears on the grid
- This includes less spacing and removing the big action buttons that used to sit at the far right of the grid.
- Action buttons have been moved under the menu but also appear on the form now.
Update to SSO settings page
- Zeev gave the SSO settings page a nice makeover which includes a new ‘download metadata’ button & PDF instructions for ADFS setup.
Bug fixes
Email templates
- Fixed text in two of our email templates
- Fixed the problem of the admin welcome email being sent to users.