Sample video

Course description

Giving people the flexibility to work remotely can benefit staff and employers alike, enabling organisations to make financial savings and boost productivity while making it easier for their staff to balance the demands of work and home life, reduce the stress, expense and time of the daily commute and focus on tasks without the distractions of an office environment. Designed for organisations that are either new to remote working or looking to expand the flexible working options they offer their staff, this course looks at the benefits and challenges of remote working and provides advice for leaders and managers on how to ensure that their home workers remain connected, engaged and productive.

This course will give a better understanding of:

  • why a combination of home and office-based working can be a good solution
  • the benefits and challenges of enabling people to work remotely
  • how to hold effective online meetings
  • how to manage key areas such as performance, coordination of effort and problem solving
  • key considerations for managers around the mental health and well-being of remote workers.

Course sample

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Many managers are used to measuring performance by eye - they just keep an eye on people. Are they at their desk? Do they appear to be typing? Therefore, I presume that they're performing. Remote working gives us an opportunity to refocus on how that works and to renegotiate what performance actually looks like.

Sarah LewisPrincipal Psychologist, Appreciating Change Ltd

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