Sample video

Course description

Challenging others constructively in the workplace is a natural and healthy aspect of the collaborative process, indeed exercising the right to challenge others can help to boost our motivation and engagement. We may find challenging daunting, but a constructive challenge typically improves rather than worsens situations and demonstrates a level of responsibility and emotional investment in our work.

This course looks at how to challenge effectively by considering what’s stopping us from challenging in the first place, the different ways in which we can challenge and the situations in which each of these challenges might be appropriate, and explores strategies and techniques to give us the confidence to express our opinions in a way that is both professional and constructive.

This course will give a better understanding of:

  • the importance of being able to challenge effectively
  • the sort of things we might need to challenge in the workplace
  • why we may be reluctant to challenge
  • how challenging can support engagement and motivation
  • techniques and strategies for mounting an effective challenge
  • how to say no and refuse requests that we cannot accommodate
  • how to prepare for a challenge.

Course sample

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It's hugely important to organisations that individuals feel that they can have difficult conversations with each other - otherwise a lot of resentment builds and conversations that lead to greater creativity, productivity and engagement don't happen.

Stuart DuffPartner, Head of Development, Pearn Kandola

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