Will tools like ChatGPT be able to provide compliance training?

One of the changes that the rise of AI generative text tools like ChatGPT brought about was the ability of anyone to write a great deal of text very quickly. Or, if not write the text, at least inspire the AI through a creative use of prompts to generate information, from blog posts to whole books.

So, should AI replace content creation, specifically for training? After all, one of the main challenges of training is the amount of time, cost and effort required to create or buy training modules specific to your organisation.

AI cannot create original content. AI generative text tools rely solely on information that is already out there online. Plus, AI content does not have the same flair or style that a human writer will have, and cannot develop the depth of knowledge or expertise on a subject that marks out excellent content, particularly for training purposes.

However that doesn’t mean there aren’t some positives AI can bring to the content creation world for training and compliance. Particularly when multiple training courses have to be created in-house, without relying on the knowledge, expertise or assurance of a third party provider, AI can help a training officer get a head start.

Benefits of using AI for content creation


If it’s tricky to come up with a new angle, AI-generated content can help get started. Some tools can also give ideas about what to include for broader topics to help narrow down the research process.

Overcome writer’s block

If one is starting out with a keyword or topic, AI-generated content tools can offer a few hundred words on the subject. Some tools recommend headers so writers can get moving and adapt their content.

Proofread current material

Content can be run through AI tools to assist with checking grammar and correcting spelling mistakes. However not all tools are able to detect spelling and grammar for different languages such as British English.

Write short content

AI tools can produce a lot of content in a short amount of time. A lot of longer form content or higher value information requires more of an emotional depth or subject knowledge, but often short descriptions do not. Product descriptions, metatags, ad copy and social media posts are examples of short text for content generators.

Translate language 

For written material to appeal to all audiences, AI generators can help translate content into different languages. However the accuracy of such translations is not assured, and is not necessarily different from existing machine translations

Create templates

AI tools can help create emails or other templates. Some AI tools offer different types of ready-made templates for people to add their own information.

Drawbacks of using AI for content creation

Accuracy concerns

AI relies on scraping and repurposing already-written information for new content. Therefore the accuracy of the content is not assured. In fact there have been many examples of AI tools making up sources and sending out incorrect information which is a major concern in itself. 

Search engine optimisation

Search engines like Google will down-rank content if it is too similar to already published materials. Because AI tools piece content together from various sites and reword them, without adding proper flow or conceptualisation, this process goes against Google’s “stitching and combining content” guidelines. Content needs to be authoritative and informative, which is very hard to ensure when using an AI tool. 

Lack of creativity

Creative content draws people in. The best training materials read like stories, taking their readers on an entertaining and informative journey through their subject matter. AI does not have the ability or emotional intelligence to create a story with depth or meaning. It only relies on scraping existing information and redeveloping it into something reworded. AI also tends to lack a sense of humour and AI content doesn’t quite have the same… je ne sais quoi as something created by a human.

Human review required

There’s a significant danger both in terms of accuracy and quality to allow AI generated content to be published without any human review. An AI generative text tool is essentially just reading over several websites about a topic and repasting and rewording the same information. A human is always required before the information is published in order to check for mistakes or inaccuracies. 

Plagiarism concerns

Because AI tools can only pull from already published resources, there is a risk of plagiarism if the content generated by an AI is too similar to what has already been published. 

What’s the verdict on AI for training content?

So, should you replace your training team or external providers with AI generated training material? Well, why not just provide all staff with a ChatGPT prompt and ask them to tell the AI to train them on everything they need to know about health and safety, bribery, fraud, sexual harassment, and the myriad of other compliance obligations companies face? If that doesn’t sound like a good idea, then replacing wholesale training created by experienced professionals with something generated by an AI probably isn’t either.

Whether your training comes from an external provider, an internal L&D department or a mix of both, AI can certainly help in the process. But training, and particularly compliance training, is often a risk mitigation procedure in case something goes wrong. Training materials may be scrutinised by the regulator, and maybe even a court of law, to decide whether an organisation’s procedures were effective and training was able to support company policy. 

Ultimately, compliance training is a tool to support company policy which is intended to mitigate against the risk of a breach. Regulatory breaches can often result in severe financial penalties, significant reputational damage and even prison for company directors. You should have confidence that your training can stand up to regulatory scrutiny.