VinciWorks guide to ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting

Free download on new pay gap reporting requirements set to be introduced by the Labour government The Labour government have pledged to close not just the gender pay gap, but the disability and ethnicity pay gap too. Legislation to require organisations to report on their ethnicity and disability pay gap is set to be announced […]

UK moves forward on deforestation compliance as the EU takes as step back

The saying goes that elections have consequences, and that’s particularly true for deforestation compliance. The European Parliament elections held at the start of June and the UK general election on 4 July have delivered a reversal of fortunes when it comes to a critical part of ESG – deforestation compliance and reporting.

Over 45 leading law firms joining VinciWorks latest AML Core Group meeting

VinciWorks was proud to host over 45 of the UK’s leading international law firms at our recent AML Core Group meeting. VinciWorks Business Development Director Tom Evans and Compliance Office Managing Director Andy Donovan shared best practice in the field of AML, and encouraged a dialogue between firms on how to best manage AML risk.

SRA announces new requirements for firms

Regulated firms will have to provide AML and sanctions data UK regulated firms, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is about to contact you with a new requirement for more of your money laundering and sanctions data. What information are they looking for? Regulated firms will be asked provide information on: Firms not involved with one […]

Labour’s regulatory agenda for compliance: free guide download

Labour’s plan for government will affect dozens of areas of compliance, from whistleblowing to employment rights, money laundering and fraud to menopause and the Equality Act.  Labour’s manifesto commitments and previously announced policies will define the regulatory agenda for this parliament. A mixture of primary legislation, secondary legislation and policy shifts at the regulatory level […]

On-demand webinar: AI regulation in the UK, EU and the rest of the world

The pace of AI regulation is heating up. From the monumental AI Act passed by the EU, countries and states around the world adopting copycat laws, to commitments by the new UK government to better regulate artificial intelligence. Regulators and legislators are racing to ensure they are not left behind by the AI revolution, and […]

Has the SRA shifted its focus?

The SRA updated its sectoral risk assessment. Here’s what your firm needs to consider Money laundering and the financing of terrorism are risks to most firms and the means by which criminals target law firms to commit these crimes are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Solicitors are forced to keep pace with the methods of financial crime […]

Dank KI: Nvidia Wertvollstes Unternehmen der Welt

Nvidia, ursprünglich bekannt für seine hochleistungsfähigen Grafikkarten, hat der jüngste KI-Boom Nvidia zauberhafte Höhen beschert. Dank eines bemerkenswerten Kursgewinns von rund 3,5 Prozent konnte sich das Unternehmen am Dienstag zum wertvollsten an der Börse notierten Konzern katapultieren. Mit einem beeindruckenden Börsenwert von mehr als 3,33 Billionen Dollar überholte Nvidia erstmals den Software-Giganten Microsoft, dessen Wert […]