On-demand webinar: An international perspective on gifts, hospitality and bribery laws

  The issues of gifts, hospitality and bribery are increasingly complicated – especially for companies doing business in other countries. The danger of getting caught up in a corruption scandal is damaging, expensive and could be ultimately devastating. But when is a gift considered bribery? How can corruption, or even the perception of corruption, be […]

Train your entire organisation on fraud prevention

Preventing fraud and unethical business practices is a constant challenge for any organisation. The key to prevention is recognising red flags and having the necessary protocols in place to ensure business integrity. Our fraud and fair competition courses offer a comprehensive look into the critical issues surrounding fraud prevention, fair competition, and ethical business practices. […]

More than 70% of Compliance Professionals Lack Protective Measures Against AI Breaches, According to New Survey

A recent survey by compliance eLearning and software provider, VinciWorks, has found that only 29% of compliance professionals have implemented specific procedures, training, or preventive measures to guard against Artificial Intelligence (AI) related compliance breaches. The majority (71%) admitted to lacking such protective measures, with 13% having no plans to address this significant gap in […]

KI Glossar

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist ein faszinierendes und vielfältiges Gebiet, das sich mit der Schaffung und Anwendung von Maschinen oder Systemen befasst, die menschenähnliche oder übermenschliche Fähigkeiten besitzen. Um die Grundlagen und die aktuellen Entwicklungen der KI zu verstehen, ist es wichtig, einige Schlüsselbegriffe zu kennen, die in diesem Glossar gelistet werden.

On-demand webinar: Global sanctions compliance in 2024

The field of economic sanctions has been growing increasingly complicated in recent years, and the past year was a historic and transformative period for the use of financial sanctions on both the global and UK levels, with Western nations launching an unprecedented line of sanctions against Russia as a result of its invasion of Ukraine […]

The regulatory horizon. What does a Labour government have planned for compliance?

Consistent polls are showing that the Labour Party will be in for a 1997-style landslide come the next British general election, expected sometime in 2024. In the run up to the election, the Labour Party have been setting out their agenda for government. In this blog, we examine the likely regulatory priorities for government, and […]

VinciWorks’ AML Core Group continues to grow

Last week saw the third in VinciWorks’ successful series of AML core group meetings and the first of 2024. These meetings are an opportunity for AML professionals in the world’s leading law firms to come together to share ideas and best practice hosted and facilitated by the VinciWorks and Compliance Office team. Impact of ECCTA […]

Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2023: What are the riskiest countries for bribery and corruption?

The annual list is a must-read for global businesses The anti-corruption NGO Transparency International has released their annual report into perceptions of corruption and bribery across the world. This list forms a critical part of any organisation’s bribery and corruption risk assessment. Countries within the supply chain or which are significant markets or resources should […]