Sample video

Course description

Being able to work from home enables us to configure our working day to accommodate the various demands on our time and energy while making the most of our periods of peak productivity, but it also brings with it a series of challenges around communication, collaboration and engagement. This course sets out what home workers can do to make sure that they stay healthy, happy and productive while remaining connected to their organisation and able to reap all the benefits that homeworking has to offer.

This course will give a better understanding of:

  • the benefits and challenges of working from home
  • online meeting and video call etiquette
  • how to approach time management, work-life balance, motivation and communication
  • how to configure our working day to suit our personal needs and working styles
  • how to avoid feelings of isolation and support your mental and physical health as a home worker.

Course sample

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The short-term challenge is in terms of getting set up and organised. So, where am I going to work most of the time? Have I got an effective space? Quite likely, for lots of people, they're sharing their home with family, partners - so they've got to think about how it fits with what they do, their life, the chance that they need to perhaps work also at home.

Henu CumminsFormer CEO, Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services (DAVSS)

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