Over the past year, we have written a series of posts on the SRA’s new approach to CPD. We have consolidated the key points into the presentation below:

Download the presentation

Julie Brannan, Director of Education and Training at the SRA sums up the new approach as follows:

The new approach has competence at its heart. Individual solicitors and firms will be in the driving seat. They will need to think about what they should do to ensure that their work is up-to-date and competent. They will be able to choose how best to do this.

There will be more flexibility about how people learn. For example, it will no longer be necessary to learn in hour-long blocks. People who prefer to learn in bite-sized chunks, perhaps over their phone or tablet, on the go, will be able to do so. People who learn through reading and researching for a particular case will be able to have that recognised as part of their learning and development.

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