Kostenloser E-Learning-Leitfaden: Jetzt herunterladen und Compliance verbessern!

E-Learning hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil moderner Weiterbildung entwickelt. Doch was macht E-Learning so besonders? VinciWorks, ein führender Anbieter von E-Learning-Lösungen für Unternehmen, hat einen umfassenden Leitfaden für Sie erstellt, der diese Fragen beantwortet.

Der Leitfaden gibt einen Einblick in die Entwicklung des E-Learnings, seine Bedeutung während der Pandemie und warum es als die Zukunft der Weiterbildung gilt. Mit interaktiven Kursen, Webinaren und mobilen Apps bietet E-Learning eine Vielfalt an Formaten, die sich perfekt an individuelle und geschäftliche Bedürfnisse anpassen lassen.

VinciWorks unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, Mitarbeiterschulungen in Compliance, Datenschutz und vielen anderen Bereichen effektiv umzusetzen. Unser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen, die richtige Lernmethode zu finden und das Potenzial von E-Learning vollständig auszuschöpfen.

Jetzt kostenlos herunterladen: E-Learning Leitfaden

How are you managing your GDPR compliance requirements?

GDPR added a significant compliance burden on DPOs and data processors. Data breaches must be reported to the authorities within 72 hours, each new data processing activity needs to be documented and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) must be carried out for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. Penalties for breaching GDPR can reach into the tens of millions of Euros.

GDPR added a significant compliance burden on DPOs and data processors. Data breaches must be reported to the authorities within 72 hours, each new data processing activity needs to be documented and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) must be carried out for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. Penalties for breaching GDPR can reach into the tens of millions of Euros.

“In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear.”

Picture of James


VinciWorks CEO, VInciWorks

Spending time looking for your parcel around the neighbourhood is a thing of the past. That’s a promise.

How are you managing your GDPR compliance requirements?

GDPR added a significant compliance burden on DPOs and data processors. Data breaches must be reported to the authorities within 72 hours, each new data processing activity needs to be documented and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) must be carried out for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. Penalties for breaching GDPR can reach into the tens of millions of Euros.

GDPR added a significant compliance burden on DPOs and data processors. Data breaches must be reported to the authorities within 72 hours, each new data processing activity needs to be documented and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) must be carried out for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. Penalties for breaching GDPR can reach into the tens of millions of Euros.

How are you managing your GDPR compliance requirements?

GDPR added a significant compliance burden on DPOs and data processors. Data breaches must be reported to the authorities within 72 hours, each new data processing activity needs to be documented and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) must be carried out for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. Penalties for breaching GDPR can reach into the tens of millions of Euros.

GDPR added a significant compliance burden on DPOs and data processors. Data breaches must be reported to the authorities within 72 hours, each new data processing activity needs to be documented and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) must be carried out for processing that is likely to result in a high risk to individuals. Penalties for breaching GDPR can reach into the tens of millions of Euros.