The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in full force across the EU since 25 May 2019. As of 25 January, 2019, eight months to the day since GDPR came into force, national data protection authorities reported nearly 100,000 complaints from concerned citizens. Google has already been fined by French authorities and several social media giants are currently being investigated.

The law applies to all businesses with customers in the EU, no matter where in the world they are based, and mandates much stricter data protection rules than ever before.

GDPR compliance should be an ongoing process and business must regularly review and, when necessary, update their policies, procedures and training to maintain compliance.

As a companion to our GDPR training suite, we have updated our GDPR compliance guide. The guide is suitable for both organisations who are fully compliant and would like to review the requirements of GDPR and those who have yet to reach full compliance.

Download the guide