{"mainCourse":{"CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers (UK)","courseid":"720","CategoryId":"53","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","AbouttheCourse":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment.<\/p>","Duration":"00:45","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"11","CourseDescription":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment. <\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},"matchingCourses":[{"courseid":"737","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers (Global)","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment.<\/p>","Duration":"00:45","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"11","CourseDescription":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"Global","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"722","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers (Short Film)","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment.<\/p>","Duration":"00:15","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"7","CourseDescription":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"720","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers (UK)","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment.<\/p>","Duration":"00:45","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"11","CourseDescription":"

Working carers are all too often hidden in plain sight, balancing their caring responsibilities and their jobs with little to no recognition or support. In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. Many carers are reluctant to discuss their caring role with their employer because they feel that it might cause them to be viewed less favourably, and as a result are unable to access the help and support that they need. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>

This course is designed to create an awareness about working carers, the different types of care that they provide and the challenges that they face in their work and at home. It combines subject matter expert and lived experience interviews with dramas, and explores best practice strategies and that organisations can adopt to create a carer friendly environment. <\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"729","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Advice for Carers","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

In this short video various working carers share their advice to people in similar circumstances on how to best manage their situation, and balance their caring responsibilities with their professional obligations.<\/p>","Duration":"00:05","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"12","CourseDescription":"

In this short video various working carers share their advice to people in similar circumstances on how to best manage their situation, and balance their caring responsibilities with their professional obligations.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"730","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Advice for Managers","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

In this short video, various working carers give advice and tips to managers and leaders on how to support carers on their teams, and approach the subject in a way that is appropriate and inclusive.<\/p>","Duration":"00:05","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"12","CourseDescription":"

In this short video, various working carers give advice and tips to managers and leaders on how to support carers on their teams, and approach the subject in a way that is appropriate and inclusive.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"734","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Documentary","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>","Duration":"00:10","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"12","CourseDescription":"

In the UK, there are over three million people in employment who also have caring responsibilities. By supporting working carers, organisations can attract and retain staff, as well as reduce stress, sick leave and absenteeism whilst improving the lives of those carers and the people they care for.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"735","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Knowledge Check","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

This 10 question knowledge check verifies a learner's understanding of the course 'Supporting Working Carers'.<\/p>","Duration":"00:05","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"3","CourseDescription":"

This 10 question knowledge check verifies a learner's understanding of the course 'Supporting Working Carers'.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":null,"Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"732","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Looking after a Disabled Child","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

In this short video a working parent of a disabled child talks about the specific challenges of looking after her child: from the difficulties of getting the support and care that her child needs to the emotional and mental health impact that it had on her.<\/p>","Duration":"00:05","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"12","CourseDescription":"

In this short video a working parent of a disabled child talks about the specific challenges of looking after her child: from the difficulties of getting the support and care that her child needs to the emotional and mental health impact that it had on her.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"731","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Looking After an Ageing Relative","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

In this short video a series of working carers who care for ageing parents or relatives shine a light on the specific challenges of their caring responsibilities.<\/p>","Duration":"00:05","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"12","CourseDescription":"

In this short video a series of working carers who care for ageing parents or relatives shine a light on the specific challenges of their caring responsibilities.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"736","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: Personal Stories","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

Carers are often hiding in plain sight, managing their caring responsibilities alongside their work commitments with little or no support. These five powerful personal stories explore the experiences of working carers from a variety of angles, from a mother looking after a disabled child whose condition remained undiagnosed for years, a husband looking after his wife who is living with multiple sclerosis, to a child caring for an ageing parent suffering from Alzheimer\u2019s. All of them demonstrate the resilience of working carers as they deal with the challenges that come with deteriorating and complicated situations, the strain their caring responsibilities put on their work commitments, and the emotional and mental health impact of being of carer to a loved one.<\/p>","Duration":"00:30","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"10","CourseDescription":"

Carers are often hiding in plain sight, managing their caring responsibilities alongside their work commitments with little or no support. These five powerful personal stories explore the experiences of working carers from a variety of angles, from a mother looking after a disabled child whose condition remained undiagnosed for years, a husband looking after his wife who is living with multiple sclerosis, to a child caring for an ageing parent suffering from Alzheimer\u2019s. All of them demonstrate the resilience of working carers as they deal with the challenges that come with deteriorating and complicated situations, the strain their caring responsibilities put on their work commitments, and the emotional and mental health impact of being of carer to a loved one.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null},{"courseid":"733","CourseName":"Supporting Working Carers: The Importance of Disconnecting","CategoryTitle":"Supporting Working Carers","CategoryId":"53","AbouttheCourse":"

This video consists of a series of interviews with working carers who discuss the importance of disconnecting from their caring and professional responsibilities in order to look after their mental health.<\/p>","Duration":"00:05","PresentersBio":"This course was written and designed by the VinciWorks Group with input and feedback from leading experts in the field.","ActivityType":"12","CourseDescription":"

This video consists of a series of interviews with working carers who discuss the importance of disconnecting from their caring and professional responsibilities in order to look after their mental health.<\/p>","CourseFeatures":"video","Jurisdiction":"UK","Industry":"All industries","Languages":null}],"activityTypeMap":[{"Id":"1","ActivityType":"Online course"},{"Id":"2","ActivityType":"Micro course"},{"Id":"3","ActivityType":"Knowledge check"},{"Id":"4","ActivityType":"Video course"},{"Id":"5","ActivityType":"Course"},{"Id":"6","ActivityType":"Micro-course"},{"Id":"7","ActivityType":"Short film"},{"Id":"8","ActivityType":"Assessment"},{"Id":"9","ActivityType":"Preview"},{"Id":"10","ActivityType":"Short course"},{"Id":"11","ActivityType":"Full course"},{"Id":"12","ActivityType":"Take 5"}]}