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Online sanctions compliance training

Online sanctions compliance training courses to give your staff the tools to understand and comply with sanctions requirements during volatile times.

Get your staff up to date with the latest sanctions

The field of economic sanctions has been growing increasingly complicated in recent years. As events in Russia, Iran, China and other countries grab global headlines, businesses are struggling to stay on top of changes.

Our sanctions compliance training suite allows businesses to train their staff on the latest sanctions and how it affects their role.

Our suite of sanctions compliance courses

Knowledge Checks

  • What are sanctions?
  • What do you need to do to comply with sanctions?
  • Screening individuals
  • What to do if a client appears on the sanctions list
  • How sanctions are enforced
  • Interactive review questions
  • Understand global sanctions regimes for different jurisdictions
  • Understand how sanctions affect your business
  • Apply processes for customer screening
  • Identify red flags and report them

Who are sanctions compliance training courses for?

All businesses are required to screen for sanctions compliance when conducting due diligence, but in particular, regulated entities should make sure everyone is up to speed on the new sanctions rules. Our courses will teach users to understand global sanctions regimes for different jurisdictions and how they affect your business. Users will learn how to apply processes for customer screening, to identify red flags and report them, and how to make sense of recent sanctions changes. For businesses also operating under EU sanctions, VinciWorks will shortly be releasing a specific EU version of the sanctions course. Please contact us for more information.

The importance of sanctions compliance training

While countries use sanctions as a diplomatic tool to apply economic pressure on threatening regimes, their implementation is often not well understood by the personnel in charge of applying them. The rapidly evolving nature of the situation has made sanctions compliance an increasing challenge for businesses, but also one that is vital to understand. New laws such as the Economic Crime Act in the UK have ramped up sanctions compliance and increased penalties on businesses—any businesses—who get things wrong.

Sanctions compliance has become infinitely more complicated in the last few months, with the penalties for getting things wrong increasingly harsh.

A concise, interactive course can go a long way to ensuring your staff is well equipped to identify and address the red flags associated with compliance risks presented by ever-changing sanctions regulations.